Sunday, April 1, 2018

Why people make time, spend time, and waste multitudes of time burglarizing 1 woman, or two or three. What is in an empty home? Body measurements? Food that nourishes the skin, face, brain, heart, lungs, feet, and hands? Documents and information on birth records? Or clothing to see what foreigner or North American can fit it to steal their identity after food poisoning and then an entire City participating in walking the identity thief inside their newly prepared home to pretend they are the murder victim? What motivates property crimes?


  1. Jackson Ultima Figure Skates, Ongoing Figure Skating Competitions, Active Aggression by the City to Commit Homicide as the Victim Prepares New Social Activities (Living is their Psychosis) South Korea, North America, & Mexico Working Hard to Prevent Crime in Social Environments

  2. It's not jealousy: It is similar to a computer programmed subliminal mind conditioning plague released into the public that have programmed all the humans in the area. They move in unison like robots. They all become quiet at one time. The traffic noises, trucks, cars, radios, etc. are appearing artificially controlled. When I wake up they began wailing fire department sirens. It's like rats or roaches crawling where ever they hear the human headed. They are extremely psychotic. Jealousy and Supremacy is an expected, 'normal' emotional behavior regardless of where a human is from, but the City of Los Angeles has a Psychosis that makes them want to reach out and touch someone even if they RELOCATE IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID DEATH, INJURY, ARGUMENT, LAWSUITS, ENDANGERMENT, ETC. When a person comprehends that perhaps hypothetically speaking Sally for example is jealous due to her going to an all White American or All Caribbean or All Black school and her childhood boyfriend or 'crush' is now potentially going to marry the newcomer girl from another place. This is expected human behavior. However, no matter how much a person tries to AVOID DEATH, DANGER, ARGUMENT, AND TROUBLE, the radically psychotic group of psychopathic lunatics proceeds to aggressively network outside the City limits to GET A HEAD START ON PREDATORY STALKING NATIONWIDE AND EVEN PREPARING INTERNATIONALLY TO VANDALIZE ALL ABILITIES TO RESIDE SAFELY IN ANY EARTHLY COMMUNITY ON THE GOD FORSAKEN PLANET.

  3. Embedded inside the water sprinklers located inside the ceiling is a disguised measuring device which appears to be a monitoring device. Just as a bank robber disguises his face to rob a bank, furniture is disguised to serve one purpose, yet serves another motive. Such as keeping track of the victim.
