Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Title: "Memoirs of a Black Dog" Author: Sakhi Lynne Rachel, DeVry University

#1. Title: "Memoirs of a Black Dog" Author: Sakhi Lynne Rachel, DeVry University Collapse SubdiscussionRachel Sakhi Rachel Sakhi 2:02pm Apr 10 at 2:02pm Manage Discussion Entry Good afternoon class and Professor this is Rachel it's approximately 12:57 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday April 10th 2018 and the first question here for week 7 on the discussion board is how does technology provide criminal opportunity. From my perspective based on the readings in our lesson introduction as well as chapter 14 somewhere in between pages 353 according to criminology today in integrative introduction small agar Frank J 7th edition the opportunity to receive the information required to form an opinion and translate the meaning is really quite complicated however this is my opinion and so I've come up with some sort of translation and that is that high tech crime as defined by a large majority of criminologists as well as law enforcement officials according to smaller 2014 01014 has all the electronics are considered the weapons made available for the offender to equally access business opportunity marriage opportunity employment opportunity opportunity most importantly to introduce oneself to a professional environment natural personality without human wolves and human vultures are the technique who participate in anal trafficking international business and trade channels for a living and trade stolen infants in exchange for goods and services or lines of credit to Hungry pedophiles that refused to get assistance for their criminal disease page 354 smallager 201401-01. #2. Reply Reply to Comment (1 like) Collapse SubdiscussionRachel Sakhi Rachel Sakhi 2:11pm Apr 10 at 2:11pm Manage Discussion Entry Continuing the previous post: quote on quote it might be more useful to use the term high tech crime instead of computer crimes because computer crimes can be subsumed under the concept of high-tech crimes that is computers are only one type of several electronic devices including cell phones and other digital devices used by criminals to conduct activities. Quotes in quotes no longer can a nation and i

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