Thursday, April 19, 2018

Trafficking is God, Trafficking is the Holy Koran: 7% Below Average because you sucked and ate a baby's asshole and pp.

Trafficking is God, Trafficking is the Holy Koran

Trafficking is God, Trafficking is the Holy Koran

Trafficking is God, Trafficking of Infants is the Holy Koran

19 Dead Children and You are Why in Ratio to the #2 Fake Felony Strikes Organized Criminal Mafia Blackmail Intimidation of Victim Targeting You Lunatic and The Fraudulent #1 Strike of the President Obama (Florence Michelle and Daniel Bhan from the Riverside County Foster Care Service of Los Angela County with Illegal Kenyan Aliens and Homeland Security Fraud 15 consecutive years with intent) Administration: Liar, Pedophile, #MelindaGatesFoundation #TryMeWHileFreeIfYouWantTOSee

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