Thursday, April 19, 2018

Congratulations. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if hate crimes, human and pedophile trafficking or racism wins the day again, but I am .7% away from getting an A in this JADM 110 Criminology Class. This proves my point that no matter how nice I am to anyone, anywhere I will remain the RENOWNED SLAVE that the United States is determined to make me. No matter how much I never participate in prostitution.

Collapse SubdiscussionRachel Sakhi

Rachel Sakhi

                                                            Congratulations. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if hate crimes, human and pedophile trafficking or racism wins the day again, but I am .7% away from getting an A in this JADM 110 Criminology Class. This proves my point that no matter how nice I am to anyone, anywhere I will remain the RENOWNED SLAVE that the United States is determined to make me. No matter how much I never participate in prostitution. 

I wish everyone all their dreams come true in this class, and I am currently 38.5 years of age, but have never felt so disgusted residing anywhere than right here where my mother should've simply gotten an abortion. 
I will utilize all my skills to promote ABORTION COUNSELING FOR TEENAGERS ACROSS THE UNITED STATES, and try with all my powers, success, and empowerment to always INFLUENCE every teenager to get an abortion if a man gets them pregnant, so they can save their energy to protect themselves and their resources to relocate whenever they come to grips with the fact of being in a controlled environment of sick persons who will utilize infants as a bank check for favors to get ahead not based on their own agenda, but simply to MEASURE NEEDS BASED AGAINST A STRANGER'S' PERSONAL LIFE GOALS. 
Good luck everyone on the finals.


Congratulations. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if hate crimes, human and pedophile trafficking or racism wins the day again, but I am .7% away from getting an A in this JADM 110 Criminology Class. This proves my point that no matter how nice I am to anyone, anywhere I will remain the RENOWNED SLAVE that the United States is determined to make me. No matter how much I never participate in prostitution.

I wish everyone all their dreams come true in this class, and I am currently 38.5 years of age, but have never felt so disgusted residing anywhere than right here where my mother should've simply gotten an abortion.
I will utilize all my skills to promote ABORTION COUNSELING FOR TEENAGERS ACROSS THE UNITED STATES, and try with all my powers, success, and empowerment to always INFLUENCE every teenager to get an abortion if a man gets them pregnant, so they can save their energy to protect themselves and their resources to relocate whenever they come to grips with the fact of being in a controlled environment of sick persons who will utilize infants as a bank check for favors to get ahead not based on their own agenda, but simply to MEASURE NEEDS BASED AGAINST A STRANGER'S' PERSONAL LIFE GOALS.
Good luck everyone on the finals.

Notes on Abortion Rights Across the World and Countries who need Physicians that complete surgical abortions:
"International status of abortion law UN 2013 report on abortion law.[19]   Legal on request   Legal for maternal life, health, mental health, rapeand/or fetal defects, and also for socioeconomic factors   Illegal with exception for maternal life, health, mental health and/or rape, and also for fetal defects   Illegal with exception for maternal life, health and/or mental health, and also for rape   Illegal with exception for maternal life, health, and/or mental health   Illegal with exception for maternal life   Illegal with no exceptions   No information[20]" (, 2018)

Wikipedia. (2018). Abortion Laws: Abortion Rights Movements:

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