Sunday, April 1, 2018

Example Fulfilment Thé équation y = -4x + 500Million would représente a female with a net worth of $5 billion at âge 19 for congressional establishments, naturopathic médical inventions, and technological scientific expériments not gone wrong or currently pût to use, and 4 subcompanies reproduced...| Thé only solution unfortunately for crooks is to locate a look-a-like for an ongoing identity theft plot to return thé funds back to thé loser of any lawsuit utilizing thé female sitting on thé stolen identity working for thé defendants' team. Edited by Rachel Sakhi on Apr 1 at 6:01am

Collapse SubdiscussionRachel Sakhi

Rachel Sakhi

                                                                            Thé equation y = –2x + 15 would represent a car that has a full 15-gallon tank and burns 2 gallons of gas an hour when x is the number of hours driven and y is the amount of gas in the tank.

Example Fulfilment
Thé équation y = -4x + 500Million would représente a female with a net worth of $5 billion at âge 19 for congressional establishments, naturopathic médical inventions, and technological scientific expériments not gone wrong or currently pût to use, and 4 subcompanies reproduced Wirth nearly 1 billion each, hijacked, damaged, destroyed, irrecoverable, and unclonable. This is where X is thé nimber of each 4 subcompanies' worth of $2,000,000,000 billion USD. X is thé number of subcompanies robbed by acquaintance râpé, luring, and burglary while distributing assets against thé owners' will to mockers who can't keep quiet about their hijacking of loot, and Y  thé total Wirth desgnated for thé owner burnt up for another's' joy, leisure, laughter, and perverted pleasure. Thé only solution unfortunately for crooks is to locate a look-a-like for an ongoing identity theft plot to return thé funds back to thé loser of any lawsuit utilizing thé female sitting on thé stolen identity working for thé defendants' team.
Edited by Rachel Sakhi on Apr 1 at 6:01am

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