Monday, April 23, 2018

Final Exam JADM 110 Final Grade C_Rachel Lynne Sakhi: Author (With Edits & Updates is 28 Pages Exactly) by Rachel Sakhi on Scribd


Rachel Lynne Sakhi
Image: Model of Rachel's Life, Posture, Happiness. Retrieved from Google Search, 2018. 

Monday, April 23rd, 2018, 1:08 pm (PST)
Justice Administration Homeland Security Specialization
Criminology 110 Week 8: Final Exams of Criminology 110

Differential Association-Reinforcement Theory: Burgess and Akers (1966) Perspectives on Criminal Deviance to the Social Process of American Society and Essentials of Human Order of Operations for Calculating the Equation of the New World Orders

DeVry University
Professor Michael Bryant

Social Studies and research of sociological human interactivity is an expertise of Schmalleger (2014-01-01) in comprehending how the society functions in comparison to valid research which provides statistics analysis, civil, social, and legal reports, comprehensive informational interviews, and discussions based on database archives and law or justice official collaborative surveys collected throughout eras of social process itself. When the equation is solved for the m=Society in ratio to solutions of awareness and democracy then the filter is the answer of discoveries of Schmalleger (2014-01-01) shared with the academic environment of researchers, learners, and professors.
Therefore, when the ratio of learned behavior is compared and contrasted to the 'big picture' of any society, the result of human behavior within the individual is based on the foundation influencing the lingual dialect of speaking capabilities, a potential lingual accent when speaking, a particular way of accepting information and people compared to reactions to interpersonal activity throughout society, and last but not least the way the participants within the individual's' environment receive and accept the individual which ultimately molds the hate, love, empathy, and giving capacity as well as resiliency to practice temperance toward all living species in the atmosphere both visible and invisible (i.e., the teachings of the Holy Bible and the belief in an 'experience' of an intangible Being such as Jesus Christ being present daily, etc.).

Differential association theory (Pp. 183) holds true that "criminality lifestyles are learned through association to other entities that practice the same as such type of deviant way of living" (Schmalleger, 2014-01-01) and therefore, as much as love is shared each time compassion is exchanged between two entities that percentage of representational being grows and multiplies either within the receiver of the love, or within the giver while continuing to spread to every thing in it's association including criminal tendencies, forgiveness, perversion, hatred, patience, or tolerance and teaching, etc.

The Chicago Area Project (Pp. 175) implies that overpowering social disorganization with the establishment of massive "community committees" (Pp. 175) could potential dilute the crime isolated to particular areas, giving people the opportunity to 'outlet' themselves in creativity and giving or sharing proper forms of communication rather than killing each other, injuring neighbors, and growing weapons (Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).

Los Angeles Cocaine Cartel Problems
"Gangs can also be big business. In addition to traditional criminal activities like burglary, extortion, vandalism, and protection rackets, drug dealing has become a mainstay of many inner-city gangs" (Schmalleger, 2014-01-01). 

"Los Angeles police estimate that at least four city gangs earn over $1 million dollars each per week through cocaine sales" (Pp. 171), and today in 2018 doesn't appear to wash away or fall into the ground like an earthquake any time soon as the gangs have integrated themselves into American restaurant franchises serving dope right at the counters and even McDonald's drive thru windows taking over the country it appears (Schmalleger, 2014-01-01). 

When adults within a society learn that their 'bread & butter' for housing, shelter, clothes, marriage privileges, job privileges, driving privileges, family tree and relatives' communication, telephone, internet and hobby privileges are controlled by a huge money scheme of monopoly and capitalization by huge heroine and cocaine cartel drug lords then civil laws of the immediate government may make no sense to anyone, let alone children who are the easiest of all humans to influence. When receiving good news, smiles, okays, and salary or privileges as a reward for massacring drug-addicted vulnerable persons the delinquency continues on from childhood into adulthood, thus making the entire environment a "co-offending" (Pp. 175) pedophile ring of lunacies who if taken out of that immediate environment would suffer from not only lingual challenges of communicating, but culture shock due to not getting raised up under realistic and valid law-abiding American governmental expectations of the Justice structure. This falsehood however, is reality for as long as the money is there.

Sakhi, R. L. (2018). Week 4 Introduction: Week 3 Study Guide for Chapters 5 & 6: Theories of Psychiatry. Retrieved from

H.R.829 — 103rd Congress. (1993-1994). General Retrieved from

Connors, E., Lundregan, T., Miller, N., McEwen, T. (1996). Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science: Case Studies in the Use of DNA Evidence to Establish Innocence After Trial. Retrieved from

Sakhi, R. L. (2018). Welcome to The Detoxification & Healing Arts Center: I Love You, & Jesus Loves You Too! Retrieved from

Sakhi, R. L. (2018). Friday the Thirteenth April of 2018_Rachel's State of Mind and Mental Health Status: CAP (Crimes Against Persons and Crimes Against Property) -- DeVry University, Criminology 110 JADM Homeland Security Specialization. Retrieved from

Sakhi, R. L. (2018). Week 4 Introduction: Week 3 Recap and Summary of Key Terms. Retrieved from

Sakhi, R. L. (2018). Week Assignment. Social Process and Biological Mechanisms featuring BAM BAM 2013. Retrieved from

International Business, T. (2013, June 3). Marlyand Vs. King Ruling: US Supreme Court Decides DNA Swabs During Arrests Are Constitutional In 5-4 Decision. International Business Times.

Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology today: An Integrative Introduction. 7th Edition: Human Smuggling Distinguished (Pp. 382). Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology today: An Integrative Introduction. 7th Edition: Workplace Violence (Pp. 270, 271). Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology today: An Integrative Introduction. 7th Edition: Retributive vs. Restorative Justice Models (Pp. 234). Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology today: An Integrative Introduction. 7th Edition: Legalistic Approach to Deviance (Pp. 2, 3). Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology today: An Integrative Introduction. 7th Edition: Differential Association Theory (Pp. 183, 184). Upper Saddle River, NJ

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