Tuesday, April 3, 2018

White-Collar Criminals vs. Organized Criminal Groups: Author: Rachel Lynne Sakhi, DeVry Université, Wednesday, April 3rd, 2018: Justice Administration & Homeland Security

Collapse SubdiscussionRachel Sakhi

Rachel Sakhi

 hello Miss low this is a very simple and original style definition that you have presented regarding white collar crime thanks for the FBI resource Link at the end of the post and also I'd like to add that white collar crime have gotten itself a reputation for focusing on high-profile and high-status people known in society to have earned credibility and this problem is an ongoing problem that is almost an addiction it's not necessarily an addiction but it's almost as important as life in ratio to death because it appears that it never stops I was just thinking about white collar crime this morning early this morning because I have to utilize my bank card sometimes to complete a Metro Public Transit refill of a monthly bus pass and when I arrive there's always a couple of LAPD workers that are monitoring the tolls entry and exits for the subway station well when I add the money using my ATM card I noticed that they're peeking at me from the corner of their eye to see how I'm making the payment for the public transportation card this is so they can keep track of what train I'm getting on it has believe it or not nothing to do with the way I'm dressed with the way that I carry myself or with the way that I live my life for the reasons people should pay attention to those types of behaviorisms but instead because I'm in a location with over 600,000 homosexuals within the population of Southern California the actual reason they're monitoring me it's to see if there's an available man so there's only several directions I can take a train to which would be north south east and west so instead of using their skills their professionalism and their police uniforms to keep an eye out on terrorist they're scoping me out like Psychopaths to see which direction I'm going in what I was wearing and how I'm dressed so they can feel my style applying to a homosexual person or a large group of persons so that they can place 80% pressure on whatever man found interest in me so that they can convert them to homosexuality it's quite sickening that someone would waste such credible authority figure resources to utilize for sex purposes to commit a hate crime of converting someone who's unaware of what they're doing to start identifying with a sexual identity opposite of what their human natural path actually was and these are called frequent hate crimes the chart of the hate crime is that twice after I noticed them peeking at me and they figured out was I paying with coins was I paying with my bank card or was I paying with paper cash one of three different things either happens shortly thereafter someone charges up to $2,000 to my bank card and then of course it's reversed second someone reverses the money loaded onto the monthly Metro TAP card or third something else that's new and fresh but Dad occurs as well that ultimately ends in cancellation of that card when it all stemmed from two cops using their uniform with a motive of sexual passion to commit a hate crime converting a potentially heterosexual mate of mine out of 10 to 20 mates after they've all been converted by hate crime to go their way it's a system and it's sad and it's against the law but when they are the law and where around 600,000 homosexuals I guess they make it appear that that's the right thing to do
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