Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Author: Rachel Lynne Sakhi, DeVry Université, Wednesday, April 3rd, 2018: Criminologue: Organiséd vs. White-Collar Crime

Collapse SubdiscussionRachel Sakhi

Rachel Sakhi

Hello and happy Wednesday early early bird morning and I'd like to add to my own post to the fellow classmate here that is just a random thought but speaking of chromosomes intelligence and series that we had just learned about in the previous weeks I got a thought about because I've always loved and sharks studying you know how ocean water fish and Diving works as Hobbies when I do travel to Pacific Palisades just for a springboard ride down the Santa Monica Boulevard's Boardwalk basically to become captured and fascinated by the ocean water tides I've always loved the ocean especially since I've always loved me ships and I've been given a private tours of commission parked Navy ships such as the USS Carl Vincent I have never I don't recall if I was on the USS Carl Vincent Vincent are not I don't recall the name of the ship that's in commission that was in commission about 15 years ago but I was fully trained on the whereabouts of the beds and different things inside of a Navy ship how to open the doors how to release the doors what's inside where the sailors sleep where the captain sleeps and I can't seem to forget about it because while I was sitting or standing I'm sorry of the tour I was standing on the flattened exterior of the commissioned ship and the Navy Captain was in the middle of completing his tour and a seagull pass by and defecated on my hair and that was one of the most memorable and fun or exciting times of my life I can't forget that because of the seagull who left his Mark right on the top of my hair and I had just done my hair so nicely that day it was dried pressed straightened in some kind of egg roll or something and thought I was looking great and then splatter there was the seagull so I am fascinated by seagulls and Pelicans who fly in groups that swim in the Pacific Ocean or play at least right on the edge of the sand it's a police monitored area it's police protected and there's lifeguards there and I have had shark sightings there there is usually surfing going on there's many different things to see and look at but the point is that I am fascinated by buy mini safari animals including lions tigers cheetahs black panthers spider monkeys and believe it or not as I was on my way home about two and a half years ago or maybe 2 years ago a black bat flew on the right side of my head very very quickly which is not normal for the area that I reside in which is a major downtown area okay and there's also a few Government research birds that are finding me everywhere I travel that they're not necessarily finding me but I bump into them very often it's a seagull mixed with something and I have videotaped him or her but I believe it's a he and he has colorful Seven Feathers on him with extra parts that isn't identifiable on the bird chart so he looks like a laboratory experiment the other thing is dealing with these animals I was thinking that gorillas or Apes have a high high level of intelligence and the hypotheses is that well not necessarily the hypotheses but the Siri is that for animal abuse advocacy groups or organizations which I don't want to be directly involved with but you get a lot of this dealing with the motion film industry wear when animals and pets such as Benji or utilized or trained to act in these motion films there's always you know the issue and concern of whether or not they're getting abused so I try to remain neutral so that I am not attacked with unwanted and unnecessary stress however the theory that I just came up with is that when we go to our local zoo and I have an elephant friend at the San Diego Zoo that I really adore and when we visit the animals the exotic animals that are on display we are thinking they are getting abused that would be the first thought it doesn't matter how how well they're fed it doesn't matter of the great housing they have and how they are monitored and given the the right medicines and they are you know given all of these wonderful Necessities to basically survive and reproduce to breed more of the beauty that they have and share it with other parts of National Zoo organizations for further observation or exotic display and we might as customers of a zoo find this entrapping of course because they're taken out of their natural habitat however the Siri is that what if the ape who was initially bred in an African safari atmosphere or habitat became so that it chose to segregate itself from the rest of his species and relocate with a sixth sense of animal intelligence that is unknown to humans and magnetized toward the assistance needed to get on a plane relocate from the African safari into an American Zoo which leads him altimate lie to get placed on an exotic display at a facility so when you think of the technical and literal name of the facility it appears to be something confined and inappropriate but compared to where they came from in the African safari where hunting was a part of getting food in the current environment hunting is not necessary because they're on display they're providing money just by being themselves to onlookers and tourist that are just amazed that this ape who's fuzzy is sitting in this makeshift controlled environment and artificial habitat and receives fresh cantaloupe fresh spinach fresh watermelon fresh veggies fresh pumpkins you know fresh things that are spoon-fed to the ape compared to you know looking out behind his back for the lion in The African safari that is also trying to Predator after hyenas or zebras for their next meal so when we get animals that are this intelligent why why do we undermined the capabilities of this mysterious $0.06 whereas maybe we as humans are not orchestrating capturing animals and placing them on display for tours to see and look at it and observe while they're getting tranquilized medicated fed house observed and placed on the cover of National Geographic magazine as we are actually interacting with this animal I've come close to this animal and this is the Pinnacle and highlight of my career as a professional veterinarian or a professional research scientist or professional laboratory scientist of any type of Zoological facility and lastly as an ocean and a concept we as humans believe that we were in control of the zoo animals we are in control with our tranquilizers and are interceptions in control of the entire Destiny of the animal and not only the pet animal but a wild animal who's been taken out of their habitat of nature to place inside of a controlled artificially invented habitat that makes the animal feel that they are not far away from home but or actually theoretically in control of the human's actions so why are we from Human to Human in the world wide web social environment and the public Society environment from restaurant franchise to restaurant franchise and from social activity environment to social activity environment unable to practice such small requirements of the job in a human way that appreciates our in intellectual capacity to function as humans among each other rather than ultimately living a culture of white collar crime patterns of organized criminal activity patterns and without those patterns feeling no love or loyalty between human to Human interactivity unless abuse theft robbery rape conspiracy to injure and produce death and cause destruction exist and this is the Theory

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