Tuesday, April 17, 2018

EDEA PIANO In the world of skating equipment, where everything seemed to be said and done, a new word has been spoken by Edea. The renowned Italian maestro of skating boots has surprised its fans with yet another masterpiece: EDEA PIANO. These newly developed skating boots represent a combination of beauty, efficiency and hi-tech going in line with the contemporary trend in sports equipment manufacturing. Rachel Lynne Sakhi +1 (213) 716-8398: Rachel's EDEA Figure Skate Boot Size is Street Shoe with Measuring Tape of 12.5" (a few centimeters with space in the heel and toe area on a flat surface: Size 9.5 in stiletto arched up high. Insulation also changes the texture against the size, I, Rachel wear no socks (never!!!) only nylons which allows for 9.5 in Jackson Ultima size 9.5 Female (White Colors are for females & Black is in Male Sizes). Thanks. Email: rachelsakhi38@gmail.com Website: stilettostyle.org, club90210.com, onacircle.com (or onacircle.us I can't remember right now, sorry!).

"EDEA PIANO" Citation: FSS. (2018). Edea Piano Figure Skates Specifications: Choosing and Legally Purchasing the New Right Figure Skates for Rachel Lynne Sakhi in April of 2018. Retrieved from https://figureskatingstore.com/edea-piano-figure-skates/

In the world of skating equipment, where everything seemed to be said and done, a new word has been spoken by Edea. The renowned Italian maestro of skating boots has surprised its fans with yet another masterpiece: EDEA PIANO. These newly developed skating boots represent a combination of beauty, efficiency and hi-tech going in line with the contemporary trend in sports equipment manufacturing. Rachel Lynne Sakhi +1 (213) 716-8398: Rachel's EDEA Figure Skate Boot Size is Street Shoe with Measuring Tape of 12.5" (a few centimeters with space in the heel and toe area on a flat surface: Size 9.5 in stiletto arched up high. Insulation also changes the texture against the size, I, Rachel wear no socks (never!!!) only nylons which allows for 9.5 in Jackson Ultima size 9.5 Female (White Colors are for females & Black is in Male Sizes). Thanks. Email: rachelsakhi38@gmail.com Website: stilettostyle.orgclub90210.comonacircle.com (or onacircle.us I can't remember right now, sorry!).

1 comment:

  1. "EDEA PIANO" Citation: FSS. (2018). Edea Piano Figure Skates Specifications: Choosing and Legally Purchasing the New Right Figure Skates for Rachel Lynne Sakhi +1 (213) 716-8398 in April of 2018. Retrieved from https://figureskatingstore.com/edea-piano-figure-skates/
