Saturday, April 14, 2018

WEEK 7: TECHNOLOGY AND CRIME 61 61 unread replies. 81 81 replies. Using material from this week's reading assignments and outside sources, post your thoughts on the following.

  • Rachel Sakhi
     Good afternoon class and Professor this is Rachel it's approximately 12:57 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday April 10th 2018 and the first question here for week 7 on the discussion board is how does technology provide criminal opportunity. From my perspective based on the readings in our lesson introduction as well as chapter 14 somewhere in between pages 353 according to criminology today in integrative introduction small agar Frank J 7th edition the opportunity to receive the information required to form an opinion and translate the meaning is really quite complicated however this is my opinion and so I've come up with some sort of translation and that is that high tech crime as defined by a large majority of criminologists as well as law enforcement officials according to smaller 2014 01014 has all the electronics are considered the weapons made available for the offender to equally access business opportunity marriage opportunity employment opportunity opportunity most importantly to introduce oneself to a professional environment natural personality without human wolves and human vultures are the technique who participate in anal trafficking international business and trade channels for a living and trade stolen infants in exchange for goods and services or lines of credit to Hungry pedophiles that refused to get assistance for their criminal disease page 354 smallager 201401-01.
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  • Rachel Sakhi
    Continuing the previous post:  quote on quote it might be more useful to use the term high tech crime instead of computer crimes because computer crimes can be subsumed under the concept of high-tech crimes that is computers are only one type of several electronic devices including cell phones and other digital devices used by criminals to conduct activities. Quotes in quotes no longer can a nation and its concerns remain isolated from the rest of the globe. Basically what this means as I Rachel need to translate it is that globalization is defined here as an infant is placed upon how the white American Nation and its desirable business companions May isolate so to speak its slaves quote-unquote concerns meaning the the nation is the white American and their concerns are their slaves and their slaves must be contained and isolated away from all and any potential opportunity from imposing from their perspective always in posing as children of theirs at other peoples homes which means other people's is countries to go on dates eat cultural dinner end up reproducing children with bi-racial hair and gaining a marriage proposal from potentially foreign men instead of living a hundred years as the soda speak Black Dog Labrador who caters to America's emotional problems during her out of commission transnational trafficking social process activities which is meaning that regardless of how the Department of Defense places rules regulations and social order utilizing law enforcement to arrest people in society and keep them segregated the white American will always have the best of all opportunities within that social process organized segregated social order and it's up to them and it's their duty to within that social process keep all other persons meaning black women primarily from imposing and embarrassing the white American female or the homosexual white male from reaching out across borders to cater to any potentially interested foreign men and if any black women such as myself such as Rachel Lindsay should ever attempt to make it to a consulate to get a passport to get in any kind of business professional sports activities or any other personal inter activities or personal social activities with people of silky fine straight hair texture and it ends up resulting in a baby then those children must be confiscated immediately in order to teach the black female to stay in her segregated neighborhood so that she is never to get exposed or never have an opportunity to have her own hair texture her own Blackness and her own personality imposing upon what could be opportunities granted to white white Americans or the companions of white Americans that can hold hands together walking the track of transnational trafficking.
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  • Rachel Sakhi
    Hello good afternoon professor in class this is Rachel and is currently 2:12 p.m. Tuesday April 10th 2018 and I'd like to finish up today's post or this afternoon's response by answering the other discussion question which is why does advancing technology sometimes necessitate new criminal laws. Let me start with a personal example related to my own daily activities and how something such as the US Patriot Act put into place to assist the victims survivors of the 9/11 attacks over a decade ago up until the present day in preparation for the future and in memory of the actual victims and also in Celebration of Justice being served to the actual participants considered as hijackers where as that term became established soon after the 9/11 attacks in reference to identifying a set number of characteristics in people who are and will be known to get profiled by certain personality psychological physical and fashion traits as well as using those persons as a genetic makeup to enhance awareness within all smaller communities involving activities associated to 911 as well as daily activities that are in reference to domestic terrorism and then also learning ways to identify the difference and distinguish the difference between domestic violence and day-to-day terrorism okay because domestic violence has become confused with terrorism and terrorism has become confused with racism and Prejudice and bias is confused with all of the identifying term that I just listed so bring it to every community in every language based on what I just said is my priority if I don't turn this education into anything but my own personal knowledge this will be my number one priority persistence you pester people and you exhaust them into even giving up their own Allegiance for their own country because when you grew up together 90 million pissed and they commit small episodes of reruns to pestilence victims this adds up to Suicide so you would consider this a suicide bomber that's translated into normal daily teeny tiny microscopic pestilence activities within a social process. On a personal basis and I'm going to reach out to you now and give you an example of myself I am an active Target for identity theft and the identity theft is tied into daily burglaries and the burglaries is are committed utilizing leasing management and this ranges from the rich neighborhood to the impoverished poor neighborhood to the crime major crime areas and organized Criminal and white collar crime is utilized to cover it up and they always have this picture this picture image of this person that they like everyone to match up to my personality but the personality isn't good enough for my nappy hair which my hair is not nappy and it never will be and no matter what I do no matter what others do never consider your hair nappy because then you would be promoting the terrorism that the teeny tiny pests contribute to on a daily basis and that starts with mental and psychological terrorism that's the number one daily attack and all that's needed is one big huge terrorist activity to occur so that when they make that Championship happen then all the little daily terrorist activities will get brushed under the carpet and they can use the crazy psychological profiling agenda so that they can commit theft and burglary like a complete idiot and Robin and they're not really like I'm willing to watch because I don't even want to make a taco for the man he's nothing but an electric bill payment he's nothing but their next bicycle Finance financing agenda he's nothing but their next tank of gasoline for them to get from one trick to the next of their John's on that trafficking scale and it's very sad and unfortunately I am willing to use myself as a perfect example because of active aggression so as I turn in an assignment mental health issues and they have begun to believe that I'm somehow and mental health provider so they get all dressed up and they're trying to claim that what does suffering from some condition and you know at they try the natural look they try the I'm homeless look they try the I'm going to church look with the Denise son had on they drive the old lady with the skateboard and the skateboarding sneakers and tennis shoes look and these are just my moods changing from a week-to-week basis based on my energy level and they don't get this and they're trying to mimic after me thinking it's going to get them their next trafficking job of being a lazy Couch Potato parking and some man or some woman's home watching television getting some sort of allowance cash allowance you know trying to be me and that's not who I am so they're trying to cancel out my internet access there trying to cancel out any and everything I use skateboard purchasing privileges you know I've had many of my skateboards robbed there wondering how can I get banned from every figure skating rink that is so mysterious to them whereas they tried to punish me and they're selling their bodies to professionals who are giving them tips and pointers such as law enforcement workers psychiatrist and of what type of punishment they have like and it actively aggressive as my social activities are new and fresh and I'm trying to relocate to get away from them and they're driving in traffic following me they're getting on the Greyhound bus and following me to figure skating rink the following to protect or will this lunatic you know do something to the airplane but it always has to get flipped around and then they steal my identity by killing that person if it's too difficult to mimic after them and then use their name and traffic yourself from hotel to hotel they can that's a form of identity theft also.
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  • Rachel Sakhi
    Title: "Memoirs of a Black Dog" Author: Sakhi Lynne Rachel, DeVry University

    Team hello it's approximately 2:44 p.m. Tuesday April 10th 2018 and the reason that law enforcement and policyholders create new laws to crack down on globalism opportunities is because of progress globalism provides the opportunity of the isolated population within the social process the opportunity the opportunity to not be isolated away from living a normal life that involves the pursuit of happiness under the protected amendments of the United States Constitution where a social process can be applied to certain people to prevent them from living and exploring the pursuit of happiness by applying organized crime page 319 321 and social process which is Page 155 this has been utilized from criminology today and integrative introduction 7th edition by Frank J small auger 2014 - 01 - 01 Upper Saddle River New Jersey
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  • Rachel Sakhi
    Hello professor in class this is Rachel at 7:57 p.m. Pacific Standard Time Wednesday April 10th 2018 Denny's restaurant DTLA at Smart & Final Figueroa to Staples Center and I'm going to talk about cyber crime in the Law chapter 14 technology and crime top 10 worms of the world wide web page 359 this was utilized from criminology today and integrative introduction schmalleger Frank J 2 for 2014 - 01 - 01 and the top ten worms of the World Wide Web that causes estimated damage ranging from 1 billion dollars in Lost productivity to unknown amounts worth billions of dollars in Damages number 10 would be storm number 9 Slammer number 8 code red number 7 Blaster number 6 conflict or superworm number 5 I love you AKA love letter and the Love Bug number for Sasser number 3 plez number to so big. ES and number one mydoom in 2004 also answering the question again how does technology for example for Value to exchange for services as well as advertised the latest model utilizing small shoe sizes small panties sports equipment it could be different sizes of uniforms it could be different sizes of socks shoes shoe laces each and everything represents a certain size or age of a child victim for example and this says cyber crime which is usually conducted and navigated by organized Mafia criminal groups utilizing cyberspace and the World Wide Web as their stage and storefront to reach thousands and millions and transnational crime also gives opportunity for husbands to live a double life away from their wife and it also gives them easy access to continue manipulating a woman's husband which is easy to utilize it's easier to utilize the cellular phone devices book Facebook Messenger is the biggest form of cyber terrorism in transferring and trading and offering selling and giving prices for child pedophilia and it's a way for the the criminal and the pimp to stay on top of the husband 24 hours a day 7 days a week while he's at work

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