Saturday, April 14, 2018

Hello class and professor this post has been compiled at 7:25 p.m. Pacific Standard Time Wednesday April 11th 2018 from Denny's restaurant at Smart & Final Figueroa Street downtown Los Angeles regarding government listing terrorist groups as its 2018 or Pryor the topic is chapter 15 globalization and terrorism the citations are page 375 and 379 for comparative criminology page 382 and 383 for human smuggling and trafficking page 389 and 391 for terrorism and Page 392 page 393 page

Rachel Sakhi
Hello class and professor this post has been compiled at 7:25 p.m. Pacific Standard Time Wednesday April 11th 2018 from Denny's restaurant at Smart & Final Figueroa Street downtown Los Angeles regarding government listing terrorist groups as its 2018 or Pryor the topic is chapter 15 globalization and terrorism the citations are page 375 and 379 for comparative criminology page 382 and 383 for human smuggling and trafficking page 389 and 391 for terrorism and Page 392 page 393 page 394 Peach 395 page 396 page 397 and Page 398 which summarizes the war on terrorism and the book is criminology today and integrative introduction by schmalleger Frank J citation year 2014 - 01 - 01 and Page 398 has a table 15-5 which is designated foreign terrorist organizations as of mid 2013 so the questions are how has globalization and how does globalization impact our society and so basically a crime groups to have time and privacy research and privacy and gain results immediately at the speed of light the networking or what they think is cyber security enforcement right in there face ID theft is the number one game that is easiest for the criminal to acquire or acquisition something they consider a value that doesn't so-to-speak waste their time the number one thing you'll hear organized criminals talk about is that even when they're human trafficking they don't want their time wasted because time is money even though they're cadaverine and manipulating people out of their resources they believe that their time is precious and every minute should gain some sort of cash dollar or some sort of jewelry or some some vehicle or something that they can take back home and show off to the rest of their crew members how has it led to human trafficking that's easy that's 24/7 access for free and they advertise birthday parties on Facebook using Facebook Messenger to their potential tricks because this is the easy way to get a trick or a John together with a small infant or a little girl and it's easy for them to advertise children in diapers acting as though there in a family setting and we're having a birthday party so the children can get advertised in diapers the children can get advertised in a family setting and it's easy jet it off to all of the different birthday party members so but what they're doing is this is the form of clothes child internet pornography and they're pretending as though desert long-lost cousins are family members that are getting invited to birthday parties and so can you bring gifts for the baby and they're using the images of the babies in the diaper like she's sitting comfortably with the mother and then these are pedophile reminders that they're expecting to receive gifts for this these are reminders to all of the John's to see your your your person soon without getting risking getting arrested for the people that are soliciting so they consider themselves a big family okay and so on codependency for criminals to gain more in all aspects of social progress in-game more in all aspects of social progress whereas without children for example which are there their shimmering gold pieces and their diamonds of getting place is quicker in sooner and gaining more cash in daily life then if they were alone such as myself I'm alone and anything I have it's coming from myself so I'm like a pedophile's they always have to have children by their side they hunt children down they want to adopt children they always are with children constantly because this is their bread and butter and the internet give them worldwide access to an infinite number of potential customers and clients and mostly is he utilize through Facebook Messenger

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