Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Author: Rachel Sakhi, DeVry Université: Criminology JADM 110, Law Enforcement Globalism, Wednesday, April 3, 2018

Collapse SubdiscussionRachel Sakhi

Rachel Sakhi

Hello and good morning it's Wednesday April 3rd 2018 it's currently noon time Pacific Standard Time I admire your post Miss Al Vera and Miss Gaddis the points you make hear about organized crime and white collar crime false correctly into place with probation officers and the law enforcement environment shocking to me and something new is the local law enforcement environment especially of probation officers as well as local law enforcement and how they are somewhat segregated in the professional workplace I tried to avoid arguments hierarchies of trouble and workplace homicide because people seem to always be arguing and age discrimination is the number one problem in the workplace especially at the Boeing Corporation because most of the Boeing workers used to get laid off by the thousands every quarter of the fiscal year this is always been a problem for the technologically advantage to community of the Microsoft Nintendo meydenbauer and Boeing community where some of the smartest professionals reside thank you however and thank gosh that they were able to get along with each other and also have social etiquette and knowing the difference between professional etiquette in the workplace teaming up together to make complaints and Lobby problems they saw ahead of time to come to Solutions as a commonwealth community and that are meant for each other but sometimes things do get rough and there was a news brief on an emergency room Doctor Who was in parasexual man married to another emergency room Doctor Who is a heterosexual female I don't remember their race but I believe they were both white American and they were involved in some dating scandal in the emergency room where they never were made or given the opportunity to commit the lifestyle and loyalty vows of their own marriage that they were always spending time with other registered nurses and people blow their graduate-level by 4th in order to get accepted within the hospital community and there's nothing higher than an emergency room doctor in the medical field unless it's an ambassador to the United States Healthcare core of America or a medical director of a hospital this is a big insult and they later committed a suicide homicide one against the other found dead at their homes and they had million-dollar homes it was just one couple it was very sad for me to read this and someone brought this new story to my attention as I was residing in Seattle and I was still younger much younger but this is very recent recent and organized crime that leads to workplace homicide which according to statistics has the highest percentage of workplace injury or intent to produce death according to schmalleger 2014 0101 taken from criminology today and integrative introduction 7th edition by Frank J small auger and as well regarding law enforcement it's very easy for civilians to look at the law enforcement community and see that they're all law enforcement they're all just said ministration workers and that's because they practice professional etiquette however when I began my career and I set a goal to become a psychiatrist in forensics at age 15 and then by the time I was 17 and had already done the legwork in the field to hustle up a socializing network from scratch just like a cold call telemarketer which I worked as also and Med people all the way from Morocco United Arab Republic which is Eastern Africa in the Egyptian peninsula refugees from the Congo Rwanda Ghana Somalia Germany and begin building my curriculum vitae afterward I begin working and implementing and infrastructure for international trade and globalism for Health Care programs and medical insurance Healthcare programs between the continents of India utilizing my established friendship to William Henry Bill Gates that I ironed after approaching the Miss Seafair pageant educational scholarship program for women I had become interested in federal law enforcement and found the channels that fit my genetic gender and age bracket that would best pay for me to get myself to the point of federal law enforcement as I need it because nothing is free in life ever not even freedom and that's why I met my 18 year old son's father who is a federal agent today and he's not an American citizen but he works for the federal United States government and with my 18 year old son who has been eligible to work for his country's military in San Fernando West Indies of Trinidad and Tobago throughout the Dominican Republic he is my only black son out of for Indian children he is the only black Indian of the West Indies and my eldest I will keep him in my memories but when we set goals to work in international trade and business law enforcement and Crossing Borders there's something called Interpol there something called the US Patriot Act there is something called Mass murderers there's something called Psychopathic personalities and all of these other wonderful terminologies like the Bible that smaller 2014 0 1 0 1 have put together for us to read and I am joined reading it so much apparently because it's like looking at my own life but professionalized and wrapped up in a nice gift box with a pretty gold leaf bow tie on top of it and the one priority secret piece of information that I have learned to accept is that not a law enforcement gets along with each other and there's a reason for that because they have different worlds and different cultures to live in and on top of living different world they live in literally different jurisdictions of the law after 9/11 everyone was brought together to assist and work together and everything is just coming to a conclusion to an end throughout my learning career that has gone on since I was 16 the age I met Bill Henry William Gates who is a trillionaire at the age of 38 and a half or as I have not seen all 4 of my children in over 16 years we must learn to forgive let go and function as a human in order to receive inter actions as just that a human if we treat others like a dog then we'll probably be hanging out with dogs all day long because it's like a Karma of magnetism no matter how much we try to run from Human science and energy the energy of existence because we as humans were made from dirt and particles of the elements table no matter how much we try to run from humans we get pulled back in it's like an addictive life cycle and with probation officers they feel very much in control but if the probation styled officers are apart of a controlled environment themselves and unaware that's the saddest most painful part about participating in the game all together this takes this requires temperance tolerance a strong capacity to function in emergencies on a daily basis and the ability to work with a community that's beyond the definition of special are intellectually disabled it's a collaboration of United terrorist who function in unison with one objective in mind and that is to mark their territory of what appears to be a super max security prison for lifers who are allowed to wander around with freedom because they have nowhere else to go for the rest of their lives a prototype like Noah's Ark a research environment but overall when one's intelligence is challenged to the fullest at least some God or some higher thing that's bigger than ourselves that we must believe in must be given credit for granting us the ability and awareness to know when we have something and that something needs us so much they can't let us go and we know appreciation and possess awareness those are the most powerful tools that will take us from point A to point B on the y-intercept slope of that entire equation because we would be dealing with a large majority that is incident on the Y intercept as 1 that is the only absolute value these are very important factors and this is the major major essential key to why people to the world of criminality in criminology actually do what they do and why they never stop is it a disease
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