Saturday, May 19, 2018

DeVry University: Saturday, May 19th, 2018. 1:11 pm (PST) by author Rachel Lynne Sakhi responding to the Given Discussion Prompt of SOCS185: This is a graded discussion: 15 points possible due May 20 Week 3: Sexuality and Social Inequality

Rachel Sakhi

Hello Class and Professor,
This is Rachel and the current time is 1:03 pm (PST), Saturday, May 19th, 2018.
One major way that sexuality could play a role in social inequality is if the majority of the society in which the individual resides gets shunned from society for not practicing or participating in those types of life style choices. Meaning if the majority is homosexual, and the individual is heterosexual then burglarizing a home, intentionally influencing the partner of the heterosexual female to obtain estrogen chest enchancement and hip enhancements then applying force to obtain the ultimate goal of the day when "her husband walks in public with stiletto heels on our side" (Los Angeles, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) and if he will not go our way "we will murder him" (City of Los Angeles, 2018).

The above example is based on real life events that prove that when children are placed in a quiet room alone with someone of authority whether it be empowerment by numbers and multitudes or by cleverness, hate crimes, and terrorism as well as persistence, then how would they utilize this power. Point being that a mother will be a mother behind closed doors and while the spotlight is shining on stage as well with live television cameras to capture the truth, without giving the advantage to terrorists of TIME to reorganize their perspective and come out on top being the 'good' guy that always wins.
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