Saturday, May 19, 2018

DeVry U: Rachel Lynne Sakhi, Discussion: Week 3: Inequality and the Path of Least Resistance ( 67 67 unread replies). (74 74 replies)

 hello Professor Jay it is currently 9:28 a.m. Pacific Standard time and it's Saturday May 19th 2018 so Professor Jay may be what this character is getting referred to as in the book so basically it's describing how women who want to be feminine can't be feminine because of the rejection they receive from their communities and based on the rejection they receive from their communities if it goes on for a very long time then they have to take a style of presenting themselves on a daily basis that is somewhat belligerent which actually intern robs them of that sense of Birthright himself which is supposed to be a soft sensitive heterosexual female as far as an object ivity to one sexuality such as in the case for example Michael Jackson and the changes that he had undergone as a celebrity status in North America and across the world for people who did not know him personally to live and project a spirit of activism for equality and human rights for the African American Community the complete opposite of his beliefs were actually presented to society while eyes were on him at all times and also with projecting a strong sense of self and a sort of unisex contentedness with his own sexuality but with liable and perspectives from fans or audiences then actually the comments that people have walked up to me and constantly tell me about the King of Pop is very rude and it's the complete opposite of who his personal life maybe so I've had comments referring to his sexuality as being the opposite of his heterosexuality and then also damaging comments that refer to his experiences with children and if I am for example myself alone walking in society and am required to answer questions that could affect a person's personal Identity or let's say his children's personal identity on a daily basis where they would be at school whether it be going to restaurants where they would be on public transit and anywhere in society if someone is leaving me up with the duties of answering questions for this celebrity man then how am I to answer those questions so if I say something that's truthful they may so that also intern my beliefs are misunderstood and perceived by a greater good you know and that's really painful to experience spread lies to gain a social climbing sort of experience for themselves so that they can someone else and live that happiness and That Celebrity Status but then in turn making it very difficult for that person to live their own privileges that have been earned personally so getting hamburger meat thrown at you at restaurants getting food spat in getting your home burglarized what they can experience as their own identity
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