Wednesday, May 9, 2018

BRANDI BLACKBEAR vs. HIGH SCHOOL: Does her Witch “Labeling” (Pp. 181,182,191-194,318) cast the student out of her own teenage life?

In the Case of Brandi Blackbear, Week 2 JADM 240 Discussion:

Should this high school student have gotten expelled from her school due to gossip based on hearsay? No. She's a kid, and kids that aren't disturbing class shouldn't get expelled. Wicca is not religion, however depending on the state and community the student resides in this type of moral insult may be considered not only an insult, but a moral offense to their society. Ouch for Ms. Blackbear.
I was a witch for Halloween at age 7. It was fun, that was it. Nothing else. :)

Oklahoma High School Student Brandi Blackbear Suspended for ‘Casting a Spell’?
Cornell. (2018). The First Amendment: Freedom of Expression, Religion, etc. Retrieved from

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